Monday 31 August 2009

Monday 31st August

Well today was the best forecast for the bank-holiday weekend, after going out for lunch I didn't reach the Derwent on beat 6/7 until 15.15
and on beat 7 there were some really large brownies rising, I still had one of my all brown flies on and over the next 2 hours finished up with 1 Grayling and 4 Brownies all very good fish as you can see.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Thursday 27th August

Managed to get home early tonight having booked beats 2/3 for the evening. I was very surprised with a water level - this photo is of beat 1 had a few casts on the left bank before moving up stream under Grindleford Bridge to Beat 2, had 3 brownies and 1 grayling to one of my all brown flies again and lost a very good brownie after a strong fight. I would of thought that after all the rain this week the river would
have been a little higher. Just fished from 18.30
19.15 before heading for the pub.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Saturday 22nd August

Well been rather busy and tired this week to go in the evenings-so booked beats 14/15 today, when I arrived at the river around 14.00 the wind was keeping the fish down, when the wind dropped they started rising and I broken with 6X very quickly. What a fish !. changed to 5X and tried again with the same all brown fly this grayling was next -nice fish.
The only other fish was a brownie before heading for home at 16.00.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

One of tonights brownies

New Orvis Reel

Tuesday 18th August

Hi everybody-Derwentflyfisher is back. Fully Beat 7
refreshed after a week in France great time.
Well tonight is the first time I've been out fishing for a while got down to the river about 18.15 and the fish were rising everywhere they appeared to be taking midges, so put on one of my trusted Olive F Flies and quickly had two very nice brownies on beat 7 , then moved down to beat 6
and had 2 small grayling on my all brown fly before switching back to Beat 7 for one more brownies before heading to the pub. Very enjoyable evening great to be back.

Monday 3 August 2009

Monday 3rd August

It's been a week since the Derwent has been in a state to fish -still a little coloured but getting better, the only trouble is rain is forcast tomorrow. Not a lot rising tonight just fished for a hour
until 20.00 and had 2 wild brownies and 1 cracking grayling best fish of the night all taken on a Olive F Fly.