Sunday 30 June 2013

Sunday 30 June 2013

Today I booked beat 9 I managed to park up in the car park and had my lunch, i fished for about one hour
I first off all fished opposite the bench but not fish were rising so I waded down the beat 9, and caught a Brownie but unfortunately my line broke and I lost my dry may fly as well. I do hope the Brownie gets the fly
out of his jaws.  

Saturday 29 June 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013

The beats were very busy today so I booked beat 17 which is very close to Bamford Recreation Ground.
i fished the about 1 and half hours and caught 2 Brownies it is not a very big beat so I moved to beat 1 which
is just below Grindleford Bridge down to the laundry so I waded up beat 1 and caught 2 Brownies very quickly when I walked to the main road a man had missed the bus so I offered him a lift to Baslow so he came with me. I didn't see many birds or chicks this morning.

Friday 28 June 2013

Thursday 27 June 2013

On Thursday I booked beat 9 and arrived at the River about 12.00 I had my lunch in the car then got all my fishing tackle on. Then i walked down to the bench which is one of my favourite spots. I very quickly caught
a rather nice sized Brownie on a Dry Mayfly hook I released him back in the river. There were a lot of swallows flying about and loads of Mallard chicks about. The rain  then started it then came down quite
a lot. so I decided to call it a day and headed to home.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

wednesday 26 June 2013

I've had a problem with my car, the spring on the rear side had broken I got the call at 13.30 today from the garage in Matlock that my car had been fixed. When i got home I changed into my fishing gear and headed for Beat 1 which is not bookable. i made my way down to the river and waded up to wear I could see rising
fish i had a dry mayfly on very quickly caught 2 small brownies and 1 rather larger Rainbow Trout that did not want to handled the beat is very quite and a very enjoyable afternoon fishing.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Well today i booked beat 2 which the first beat above Grindleford Bridge and managed to wade up the beat
after 15.00 and fished for about 2 hours with a Mayfly dry on. I waded up the beat and caught 5 Brownies
and 1 Grayling the sun had warmed up the water and there were plenty of rises. It was one of best afternoons fishing i have had. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Sunday 23 June 2013

We have just returned from our holidays what a lovely time we had. I decided to book beat 9 for Sunday afternoon so i get there about 1.00 had my lunch then walked down to the bench and put on a mayfly dry
and very very quickly connected with a rather large Brown Trout about 2 and half lbs. I continued to fish
with the mayfly and caught another Brown Trout which was rather red I had not since brown trout so red before it was a similar size to the first fish. I fished until 13.00 and called it my sisters house but they were both out. The weather improved during the afternoon. When I walked back to my car the calfs were all round to gate so I walked past them and up the steps back to my car.  

Saturday 8 June 2013

Saturday 8 June 2013

This morning John & I carried out River Monitoring on beat 6 we counted our sample with the following
3 Cased Caddisfly, 8 Caseless Caddisfly, 33 Blue -winged Olive, 20 Flat Bodied up wing, and 174 Olives,
and 28 Stoneflies. the River was a bit low but very clear we both had a fish afterwards. I had a Grayling on but lost it  I walked up to tell John that I was leaving and he had already caught 2 small Brownies.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Sunday 2 June 2013

Today I fishing with Rod a great friend from work on beats 9/10 we both started on beat 9 I caught a
rather big brownie on a LDO dry we than walked up to beat 10 when Rod caught a Rainbow Trout.
We then walked back down to the bench on beat 9 I decided to put on the Mayfly dry and caught another
brownie opposite the bench, the weather was very sunny and we both enjoyed our fishing today.